Ootsumago, Kisomachi town, Nagano Pref.
  Walk into the pass of Magome-Toge from Tsumago town, we find a small town Ootsumago on the steep of the deep ravine-side. The town looks like that on the sky. Walking around the town, let's imagine the old shape of Kisoji.
  Photo : A narrow path to Maruya

The Noth End of Mgome-Toge Pass

  When visiting the stage-town Tsumago, you had better go to Ootsumago, a small town on the steep slope of the deep ravine-side. The town is at the entrance to Magome-Toge pass, 1.5 kilometers southward from Tsumago. You must feel comfortable, finding a Japanese historic home town.
  Starting from Omata, the south end of Tsumago town and walking over Araragi bridge, you will get into the Prefectural road 7. Then come into a narrow path, you would already get to be in Ootsumago town. In Japanese Tsumago means a deep end of the ravine and Ootsumago means the deepest end of it.
  It is a very tiny town, where the old houses from Edo period have been conserved. ⇒Walking Map along Magome-Toge

▲The houses along the path near from Pref. road

  I would like to recommend to walk around four zones mentioned below.
  1) the zone near Kongoya and Naraya, where introduced this page.
  2) the neighborhood around Maruya inn.
  3) the zone near the old house of the Fujiwaras, 600 meters on upward-way from Maruya.
  4) Shinmei zone, 100 meters northeastward from Kongoya.
  I visited there on mid March, when the winter air was lasting.

▲The houses on ta steep slope of the ravine, from the brook-side of Otarugawa

■Town sticking on the ravine-side■

Otarugawa running down on the ravine-bottom

  Walk around the first zone mentioned above.
  I began to walk from the big sign-bord of Ootsumago into the path in the town. The brook flowing down under the village houses is Otarugawa.
  After walking along the path 100 meters downward, I found a bridge over Otarugawa. It is Myojin-bashi. Climbing up along the path, I observed carefully the rows of old houses sticking on the ravine-side slope. Here is a entrance to Magome -Toge pass.

▲Walking along a path from the pref. road 7

  That is the very scene that is nearest the townscape in Edo period. I call it the old scene of Kisoji-Nakasendo.
  The house-sites, like terraced fields, are sticking onto the steep slopes. They are sustained with stone-walls. The old houses are standing together swarmly. Walking up along the slope-path is hard exercise.
  However, I could not but walk on, moved by the townscape beautiful and nostalgic.

▲A stone-monument and the water-well under the cave

  Ootsmago town is so popular for European and American people that many people are coming here to experience the scene of Japanese home town.

Otarugawa flowing down to meet Araragigawa

The houses on the stone-walled terraces

There are no ways but the slope paths

Climbing up the old Nakasendo

An old house with no sign of people's life

The inclination ow path is such !

Old houses on the stone-walled terraces

Look up Kongoya, a Soba restaurant

Kongoya is standing along the pref.road


  • 妻籠宿全体の絵地図です。
  • 街歩きに役立ちます。


  • 馬籠宿から妻籠宿まで馬籠峠を越える道を歩きます。
  • あなたも歩いてみませんか。


  • 和田宿の中心部を詳しく案内。
  • 宿駅の前後の街歩きも案内。


  • 中世城下町の時代からの変遷を説明。
  • 宿駅の発展の痕跡を訪ねる。


  • 和田峠めぐりするための絵地図。
  • 峠の史跡や名所をガイド。


  • 和田駅ステーションから
  • 和田宿温泉ふれあいの湯まで


  • 路面地形の断面図で解説。
  • こんなにも街道交通は大変だった。


  • 中山道に即して街道制度の歴史を説明。
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  • 街並み探索がもっと楽しくなります。


  • 木曾路のすべての宿駅を表示した絵地図です。
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  • 京と江戸を結ぶ中山道(木曾街道)の絵地図です。
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